How to Budget

A Beginners Guide to Easy Budgeting

Even if you don’t know how to budget, this brief informative guide will help you through.  Follow the simple steps beginners guide to easy budgeting.

A Beginner's Guide

Follow the simple steps below and you will be amazed at how much things will start to change for you.

Set aside time

So, the first step to budgeting when you don’t know how to budget yet is just to make the time.  It doesn’t have to be a lot of time.

Write Down Two Numbers

The first number you need to write down is easy. It’s your net earnings per month.  The second number is one you come to by adding up all of your expenses for the month.

Trim the Fat

The more budget-minded you become, the more ways you will find to “trim the fat”  The job of accounting is never truly done, but don’t be discouraged.

Be Deliberate

You just need to stay focused and be deliberate about your spending.  Don’t spend more than you can afford to.

Ready for a Challenge? Download this free printable $1000 Savings Challenge.

Have a Magical Day!

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