Monster Rice

Krispies Treats

Prepare a fun and yummy snack for the spooky season with these Monster Rice Krispies Treats. 


- Krispy treats - Candy melts - Candy eyeballs - Vegetable oil - Halloween sprinkles

You won’t need too many ingredients to make them!


Melt candy melts according to package instructions. If the candy coating is not loose enough to dip the Krispy treats and come out smooth, add vegetable oil a teaspoon at a time.

Once the candy melts are smooth dip the end of the straw or stick into the candy melts and then into the rice crispy treat.

Immediately place candy eyes onto the wet chocolate and let set up on the parchment lined baking sheet.

Add sprinkles for a more festive look if you’d like.

Have a Magical Day!

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