Search Results for: salad

Garden Fresh Gazpacho is a delicious summer soup made with fresh garden vegetables. This recipe is super easy and a great way to use up all the vegetables from the farmer's market or your garden.
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Garden Fresh Gazpacho

Garden Fresh Gazpacho is a perfect cold soup for a hot day. It’s easy to make and a great way to use all those wonderful summer vegetables from your garden or farmer’s market. If you are a gardener, chances are that by the mid-point of summer, you have an abundance of vegetables in your garden….

Gardening With Kids – Making It A Fun Family Activity!

Gardening With Kids – Making It A Fun Family Activity!

Gardening with your kids is a great family activity. It’s gets them off the couch, away from the electronic devices and outdoors to enjoy nature. Gardening with kids can teach a lot of great lessons. Children like to learn by doing. And, if they are anything like my children were when they were young, they…