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Corn Zucchini Fritters

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These Corn and Zucchini Fritters are light and crispy with just the right amount of cornmeal crunch. Perfect for the wonderful summer corn and zucchini now in season.

These Corn Zucchini Fritters are light and crispy with just the right amount of cornmeal crunch. This recipe is perfect for the wonderful summer corn and zucchini now in season.

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Things have been a little steamy here in New Jersey. Yes, I know, it’s summer and it is supposed to be hot. But I am not complaining, because here on our farm, we like it hot! You know why? Because the hot weather makes our Jersey Fresh corn grow. As I am writing this, the song “Some Like It Hot” by Robert Palmer is on a constant loop inside my head.

Yep, the hotter, the better for us farmers. And according to my husband, if you go outside at night on a really steamy evening, you can hear the corn grow. Now over the course of my 31 years of marriage to my farmer husband, I have tried to test my husband’s theory many times….only to conclude that the only thing I could hear at night are crickets chirping and frogs croaking. Go figure.

Corn Zucchini Fritters - Feature

Anyway, I want to share with you another Cookbook Re-Creation recipe today. That’s where these Corn Zucchini Fritters come in. While I try to refrain from fried foods as much as possible, when corn season comes around, I can’t refrain from these delicious fritters. I adapted this recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks – How to Cook Everything: 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Food.  If you are looking for a great all-purpose cookbook, this one is it!

Corn Zucchini Fritters - Feature 3

Key Ingredients for Corn & Zucchini Fritters

  • Fresh Corn – yellow or white: it’s your choice!
  • Fresh Zucchini – time to raid the garden!
  • Corn Meal
  • Cheddar cheese

Please note: if you are not a fan of zucchini, leave it out and you will definitely enjoy this Corn Fritter recipe just as much!

How To Make Corn Fritters

The base for these fritters is made from a combination of cornmeal and flour. I love the light crunch the corn meal gives these Corn Zucchini Fritters when you bite into one. I adapted the recipe to include zucchini and cheese too. It’s like the trifecta – corn, zucchini and cheese! Amen to that!

Corn & Zucchini

Another easy recipe for you to try. I begin by cutting to corn off of the cob and grating the zucchini. It’s time to raid your garden if you have one….or your local farm market!

Corn Zucchini Fritter Batter

Combine the corn and zucchini in a bowl with the dry ingredients. Then mix in the egg and milk. Lightly mix. The batter will be thick.

Corn Zucchini Fritters - Cast Iron

Drop large spoonfuls of batter into hot oil. I love to fry my Corn Zucchini Fritters in a Cast Iron Skillet. A cast iron skillet is my favorite piece of cookware! Remove when they are golden brown on each side. I like to let them drain on a paper towel or wire rack.

Try These Easy Corn Recipes

Corn Zucchini Fritters - Feature 4
5 from 1 vote
Corn Zucchini Fritters
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Total Time
35 mins
These Corn Zucchini Fritters are light and crispy with just the right amount of corn meal crunch. Perfect for the wonderful summer corn and zucchini now in season.
Course: Side Dish
Servings: 14
Author: Melissa Russo / thefarmgirlgabs.com
  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 cup corn fresh cleaned or thawed frozen
  • 3/4 cup grated zucchini
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese shredded
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 cup of milk plus more if needed
  • 1 egg
  • Vegetable Oil to Fry
  1. Place vegetable oil in a cast iron skillet and heat to 365 – 375 degrees.
  2. Clean corn off cob. Shred zucchini.
  3. Combine the dry ingredients in large bowl and mix.
  4. Beat egg and milk together then pour into the dry ingredients.
  5. Add corn, zucchini and cheese and mix just until incorporated.
  6. Batter should be thick. Add more milk if batter is to too thick.
  7. Drop the fritters by large spoonful into the hot oil. Cook in batches. Turn once and cook each side until nicely browned – about 5 minutes.
Recipe Notes

*Adapted from How To Cook Everything – Simple Recipes for Great Food

As I said before, I love the light crunch the cornmeal adds to these fritters. The sweet corn, zucchini and cheese are such a great flavor combination. I could seriously eaten the whole plate {don’t worry, I didn’t}. They are one of my favorite sides. Do you like fritters? I hope you give these a try.


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    1. Decided to try oven frying them. I will put oil on cooking sheet and also spray mist the tops of each fritter. I try to stay away of frying and I hope that I can still get a nice crisp in the oven.

  1. Your corn fritters looks so crispy, golden brown and delicious! I live in the Philadelphia area and we’ve been enjoying some Jersey corn. It always seem to come in a week or two before PA corn and I’m thankful for how it make our yummy corn eating season longer!

  2. I’ll have to admit that I love savory fried pancake type dishes – must be the latke-lover in me. But these are truly special. I can’t wait to try them and maybe even make a bunch to freeze and re-heat. Oh, did I mention that it’s over 100 degrees here, so taking out my cast iron pan and frying anything is sheer madness?!

  3. ‘Tis the time of year for using up all of that summer zucchini! I just made zucchini cakes earlier this week, and the versatility is incredible. Evidence of that comment is your yummy-looking version with corn! The sweetness of the corn must be a fantastic addition to the zucchini!

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